38 Week Update

IMG_2004 Last week (monday) marked 37 weeks/full term with this little babe. I know I say it every time, and that every mom ever has said the exact same thing but, time has never gone faster. I cannot believe we are 2 weeks away from our due date and who knows how long away from actually meeting our little one. The baby showers are done, the nursery is (pretty much) ready and now. we. wait.

This is what we do like every day. Is it me or is a man setting up baby gear exceptionally attractive? Mmmm!

IMG_2001 I had my second baby shower (in my hometown) and it was amazing. My mom and sister did such an amazing job planning it and it was perfect – Thank you to everyone who attended! Baby Havens says thanks for all the love! :)

My sister and I at my baby shower! She is due August 29th! IMG_1869 Mom and me (and Padme) IMG_1863 I am officially on mat leave and loving every second of it. I thought I might get bored but so far there has been so much to do. I am enjoying all the preparing and nesting and spending some time with friends and family before Baby Havens arrives. I feel so blessed to live in a country that gives us so much time off to spend with our babies in their first year. Woo Canada!

One of the things we have yet to do is to name this baby. We don’t know the gender of  the baby so we must prepare a boy’s name and a girl’s name. Our boy’s name is decided and a secret (for now). I really want to tell everyone, but a few people I told had some super strong opinions about the name we choose and it made me feel less confident in our decision. I think it’s one of those things that people will say to your face before the baby is born but once it’s out and named they just say it behind your back. Which I am totally cool with the latter. I know not everyone is going to love the names we pick, I just want to be able to come at it from a neutral and personal point of view instead of worrying about what everyone else will think of the name.

This brings me to our girl name. Or lack thereof. We are really stuck on this one. If this baby was born tomorrow and it was a girl, it would be un-named for like 4 days. (is that even allowed?) So I come to you, blog readers, for some suggestions. Here is the criteria. Has to be easy to spell, and it can’t be in the top like…..50-100. Please drop all your suggestions in the comment box below. We are getting desperate.

Update time? Sure!

How far along? 38 Weeks, full term! woo.

Total weight gain/loss:  28 lbs of pure baby Havens, okay and ice cream, and salt and vinegar chips…..

Maternity clothes?: At this point its all maxi dresses. My maternity tights aren’t even comfortable anymore. Too much tightness on the uterus.

Stretch marks? Not yet, this skin is crazy tight though so I’m sure I won’t get away unscathed. It’s just now getting itchy too.

Sleep: Sleep still sucks. Even though it has cooled down a lot here I still wake up a ton at night to go pee or roll over. Rolling over is like a 5 minute process each time so that keeps me pretty busy. I keep thinking to myself “I can’t wait until I’m not pregnant so I can finally get a good nights sleep” and then I remember that I’m having a BABY and that taking 5 minutes to roll over is gonna seem like a walk in the park in a couple weeks.

Best moment this week: One of my best friends Natalie had her baby shower this weekend which I had the pleasure of co-hosting! That was so fun! We also had a birthing class which was amazing and incredibly informative for Zach and me. It gave us so much more confidence and understanding about the whole process. Also we got our car seat and installed it in the car! Things are getting REEEAL!!

Miss Anything? Sleeping through a whole night, wearing pants.

Movement: Yes, since my last update the baby has been moving a lot more. It also has been getting hiccups about 2 times a day. That’s my absolute favourite, I never want it to end.

Anything making you queasy or sick: No :)

Have you started to show yet:  Heck yes! The last month has been crazy. I literally look and feel bigger every day. I have measured right on track for this whole pregnancy and now in the last month my belly is measuring almost 2 weeks ahead of schedule!!

Gender prediction: Gosh, I don’t know. You all know I think it’s a boy but there are days, most days, where just like anyone else I have no idea.

Labor Signs:  Maaaaybee- I don’t know. Occasionally I will have the odd low aches that remind me of period cramps but nothing really yet. Any day now would be awesome!

Belly Button in or out? Out-ish

Wedding rings on or off? On. Mamas, did everyone leave their rings on for labor/delivery? Or did you take them off?

Happy or Moody most of the timeFor some reason it was a super hormonal week. I cried like way more than usual and then woke up with like 4 breakouts this morning so must have just been a hormone surge or something. I guess this week a little moody ;)

Weekly WisdomA friend of mine said something to me (well she typed it) about having her new baby. She said “It’s so good and so hard and the BEST thing ever” This has literally stayed with me all week. Such a comforting and seemingly accurate description of what I’m about to get myself into.

Looking forward to: Meeting our baby! Thanks so much for reading! B

7 thoughts on “38 Week Update

  1. My dear Britt. You are hugh. You look like you could deliver at any minute. Can hardly wait for the awesome news. HUGS.

  2. Hey mama! Your in the home stretch. Yay!! Who cares what people say about the names! You pick the name for a reason! As long as you like it then that’s what matters!
    As for rings .. I wore mine right til we got the hospital!! I took them off just to be safe in case of emergency csection when you can’t have jewelry on!
    Good luck britt!

  3. I had the WORST time with boy names, but got a lot of weird looks when I told them Porter. I know what you mean. It sucks! :)

    For GIRL names, though… I love old-fashioned-ish names: Georgia, Mabel, Anabell, Cora, Scarlett, June, Audrey, Esther, Estelle, etc. We loved the name Lennon, too (my hubby loves The Beatles). One of my possible girl names, too, is Presley… love that name so much, and it’s a kinda-old-fashioned-Elvis throwback?

    I also love the idea of an H name… your last name is so beautiful. Harper (too popular), Harlow, Hope, Hadley, Henrietta (ugh, so cute, you could call her Etta!), Helena, Henley (another one of my faves), Hayden…

    Also, nameberry.com was my fave site! You can view other people’s brainstorming lists… so you can search for “surnames” or “names that start with H” and see what other people are loving/listing! :) GOOD LUCK MAMA!

  4. I think no matter what, pick a name you love, people always have an opinion on baby names that is different than your own, but who cares!! I have second guessed all three of my girls names the first couple months of naming them, I think it is natural, it is a forever name, and a big decision, but whatever you pick just seems to grow on them!
    With our middle daughter, we had a list of names and we picked he fifth one down, it just fit!
    I love the names Kenzie, Harper, Piper and Amelia. Anything you pick will be perfect! My experience is you have whichever gender you don’t have a name picked for, lol!!
    As for wedding rings, if you can get them off now, you may save yourself a bit of pain in the delivery room if you are swollen and need them off then.
    Praying for a safe, quick delivery for you!!

  5. Congrats! You’ve had the baby since this post. I think blogging your pregnancy is such a great way to journal your experience and memories, even if it’s not the first. And it’s helpful for other moms – great for friends and family to see progress. I didn’t blog my pregnancy, but read the week-by-week development books and things like that. I just came across a new book that’s really awesome and even takes it up another notch called “The Wonder Within You: celebrating your baby’s journey from conception to birth” by Carey Wickersham. It’s an awesome combination of week-to-week pregnancy information, what’s going on with the baby, “Did you know?” plus health advice about what to eat, cravings, nutrition, etc, BUT also with awesome 3D/4D pictures and videos you can link or QR with your phone to and see what your baby looks like at each week stage. Even better than the typical week-to-week books, and so personal! It’s got mom stories and even a journal/note section to write your personal memories and letters to your baby. The pregnancy information is as up-to-date as it gets and it’s such a great keepsake. I want to get one for everybody I know who is expecting! I highly recommend it! TheWonderWithinYou.com.

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